Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday's Faith - Questioning God... after the Death of My Child

Friday's Faith

Questioning God...
after the Death of My Child

"This is a simple yet profound statement, and a true one...something God has shown me from the very earliest days after Mark passed, that NOTHING about God--not His goodness, His attributes, NOTHING about Him is changed or negated by my son's passing... He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  

And that matters, because grieving parents who know Christ rely on the fact that He is real, He is good, and heaven exists--and because that is true, we will be with our children again. Thank you SO MUCH Lord Jesus--for dying for our kids--for dying for us, so that we might spend eternity with You!!"

~Grieving Mother, Nancy Tuz, 
of "Christian Moms Who Grieve The Loss of a Child"

And I say,

Thank you to my grieving mother friend Nancy for reminding me of this profound Truth. 

I remember sitting on my couch just hours after the police officer had come to tell us our child had been killed. In my state of shock, I remember I had looked up to Heaven and said in my soul, 

"God, You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. When I prayed to You yesterday, You knew what was coming, yet You didn't stop it from happening...??? You are the same God I have been crying out to. You are the same God that loves her and guided me in how to love her. You knew what was coming, yet You allowed this to happen? And yet You are the same God today that You were yesterday...  ~ I don't understand…"

As a mother, if I had known for sure something was coming that would destroy my child and I had had the power to stop it, wouldn't I have stopped it? 

And yet, I know God is God, and He is altogether loving and good...

It can just be so confusing…

But I do know He holds my baby today, and yes, I will see her again! 

For now, I must live within the question... Faith is Living in the Question.

But I do know: for all eternity, my child is secure, and I will be with her again. And all because our Loving God was willing to give up His Only Son out of love for us on Christmas day, fully knowing the hell His Son Jesus would have to face on this earth, but He still sent Him... out of love for us. 

That is a love that defies all logic and overpowers all my questions. 

And so I thank my God with all my heart for His willingness to suffer such loss and sorrow for our sakes. 

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

~John 3:16 (KJV)

And I join with my friend Nancy, and also pray, 

"Thank you SO MUCH Lord Jesus--for dying for our kids--for dying for us, so that we might spend eternity with You!!" 

Amen and Amen.

Picture, thanks to ~Love for All
KJV - King James Version of The Holy Bible

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