Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday's Sayings - Progress in the Healing Journey… - Part One

Saturday's Sayings

Progress in the Healing Journey…

Part One

We never really "heal" from Child-Loss Grief and Trauma, but we're always in recovery. We can be in a process of healing, but healing will not completely happen this side of Heaven. 

Amidst our Child-Loss Grief and Trauma, when you think about it, we have been assaulted emotionally, physically, and spiritually! We never really "heal" from Child-Loss Grief and Trauma, but we're always in recovery. We can be in a process of healing, but healing will not completely happen this side of Heaven.

~Angie and Tommy


"The case of a parent losing a child is very special because the most deep-seated protective and nurturant emotions are brutalized. Because this 'injury' is so severe to such primitive emotional processes, the grieving parent is likely to feel and express the pain associated with it for the rest of his or her life."

~Dr Joanne Cacciatore


~Grieving Mother, Robin Craig

We somehow learn to hold the terrible things in abeyance while we accept the beautiful, knowing the two must always co-exist, as life will never be completely beautiful again. And we learn to allow God to put our trust back together, one tiny baby step at a time, always allowing Him to comfort us that we need not be afraid; He is always right beside us, even as He is with our child…

~Angie and Tommy


~The Social Butterfly

We learn that a simple thing like our breathing can get messed up. Remembering to breathe slowly and deeply from the abdomen can often restore some normalcy to our worn out bodies and souls. Breathing deeply can remind our traumatized bodies what it feels like to be "normal" again. Even these very basic functions of our lives (such as breathing) can get disrupted and confused to where many times, we do find ourselves holding our breath, as if by doing so, we could bring back those precious normal days when our child was here with us: 

As if we could, "Stop the breath = Stop the madness!!!" 

When I was standing in the "Receiving Friends" line for my daughter's funeral, I was bemused to hear a Child-Loss Griever tell me, "Just remember to breathe." Now, I understand…

~Angie and Tommy


~Grieving Mother, Darlene Thomas

We learn to accept our new idiosyncrasies… and we even learn to laugh about them!

~Angie and Tommy


~Out of the Ashes

We begin to be so grateful for the depth of our love for our precious child, that we don't mind the necessary depth of grief that must follow!

~Angie and Tommy


Grieving is a personal and highly individual experience. How you grieve depends on many factors, including your personality and coping style, your life experience, your faith, and the nature of the loss. The grieving process takes time. Healing happens gradually; it can't be forced or hurried--and there is no "normal" timetable for grieving. Some people start to feel better in weeks or months. For others, the grieving process is measured in years. Whatever your grief experience, it's important to be patient with yourself and allow the process to naturally unfold.

~Death of a Loved one


We know that with Child-Loss Grief and Trauma, it takes more than months or years; it takes a life-time. As we begin to accept that reality, we begin to become accustomed to and patient with the ebbs and flows of Child-Loss Grief-and-Trauma.

~Angie and Tommy


~Grieving Mother, Dani MarieBernadette D'Angelo

Each of us who has experienced child loss personally knows the feeling of isolation, abandonment, exhaustion, misunderstanding, and pain. We have gone through anguish like none other known to mankind, and yet we're here. We're here because deep within our soul we have a seed of hope that tells us someday we will be united with our child again. We can feel our soul joined to the soul of our child. As broken as we are, we weep, yet we hope. We're in pain, yet we know there will one day be an end to all pain. We cry millions of tears, but we know one day all tears will be dried. And, so in all of our brokenness we cling tightly to hope. May God bless each one who has known this terrible pain of losing a child with an extra measure of hope today!

~Silent Grief - Child Loss Support

Picture, Broken, thanks to "Death of a Loved one"

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