Friday, January 4, 2013

Saturday's Sayings - What is Grief? - Part Seven ~written by grieving mother, Debra Carter and many grieving mothers...

Saturday's Sayings

What is Grief?

Part Seven

~written by grieving mother, 
Debra Carter 
and many grieving mothers...

~by artist Paulette Insall via ~Grieving Mother, Jill Compton

  • Grief is wanting to bear witness to and comfort the pain and suffering they experienced.


"My Child Is Gone!"

How will I survive when my only child is gone?
I will have no future to rely on; Why was this done?

I will never make a graduation of any success for you!
No wedding, no parties, No grandchildren; What am I to do?

I think of all what should have been deserving for you today.It's hard to be happy for someone else when I'm feeling this way.

I feel my whole life's legacy has been torn away from me;
Living life hopelessly; How can this be?

I scream to the Heavens, "I'm so hurt, Why did this happen?"
"Will I ever feel the same? My heart is so broken!"

I will live for your honor and celebrate you in every way
But I will be grieving for you forever; each an

~Death of a Loved One 
  • Grief is sometimes a vow to fulfill wishes of the dead.


~Grieving Mothers

  • Grief is believing every pebble is a gem. 


~Jesus Christ Savior by BeliefNet

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ~Romans 5:8

  • Grief is saying you are forgiven or forgive me.


~Ce Thibodeau 

  • Grief is turning ordinary objects- a hairbrush, a note, a pin- into Sacred vestiges.


In your light I learn how to love,
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you,
but sometimes I do,
and that sight becomes this art.


~Ce Thibodeau 

  • Grief is saying thank you. 

~Jill Compton Rest in Peace Gus


~Grieving Mother, ~Ce Thibodeau
Grieving Mother, Joanne Dennis Mason Altizer, via ~Peggy's Photos 

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