Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Wednesday's Woe - You Can Sometimes Forget How Much Pain You Carry...

Wednesday's Woe

You Can Sometimes Forget How Much Pain You Carry...

A business call made,
I talked to a Child-Loss father today.
It seems we speak the same language…
Just a few words transpired:
"There's not a day goes by I don't think of Adam."

The words infiltrate the grief bubble I live daily.
His pain immediately resonates with my pain:
This pain, hidden from the world,
But so readily discerned by another
Who lives the same pain---he with his son, me my baby girl.
He instantly knows my heart
Even as I know his
Despite few words said
…this transparent language of a parent whose child is dead.

Just a few words conjure up 
A whole decimating reality.
I get off the phone, 
Business call shut down,
Grief spout turns on;
The tears fall down
As my heart plummets to the ground.
Now bottomed out,
I get the kleenex out…
Defenses crumble;
Engines rumble…
The power of words
That expose the grieving heart
Are like a heat-seeking missile
That instantly rips me apart.


Pictures - thanks to ~Out of the Ashes, and ~Jill Compton
Poem - You Can Sometimes Forget How Much Pain You Carry - Angie Bennett Prince - 12/30/2012

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