Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday's Faith - If God Had Told Me...

Friday's Faith

If God Had Told Me...

If before you were born, I could have gone to Heaven and (could have seen) all the beautiful souls, I still would have chosen you...

If God had told me "This soul will one day need extra care," I still would have chosen you...

If He had told me "One day this soul may make your heart bleed," I still would have chosen you...

If He had told me "This soul would make me question the depth of my faith," I would still have chosen you....

If He had told me "This soul would make tears flow from my eyes that would overflow a river," I would still have chosen you....

If He had told me "Our time spent together here on earth could be short," I still would have chosen you....

If He had told me "This soul may one day make me endure overbearing suffering," I still would have chosen you...

If He had told me "All that you know to be normal would drastically change," I still would have chosen you...

Of course, even though I would have chosen you, I know it was God who (chose) me for you...

Thank you God for allowing me to be your mommy...

~Author Unknown


~Journey of the Survivor (From Grief to Survival)

Top graphic with Scripture, I Corinthians 13:7-8: thanks to Grieving Mother, ~Pat Dattoli Wentworth

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