Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday's Faith - Questions ~Lamar Bradley

~Angels on Loan

Friday's Faith


~Lamar Bradley

TCF, Nashville, TN

Is there life after death?
They tell me there is.

Will I ever stop missing my child?
They tell me you don't.

Does the hurt ever really go away?
They tell me it doesn't.

Will I ever really be happy again?
They tell me you will be.

Can anything replace the loss?
They tell me it can't.

Will my friends forget about my grief?
They tell me most will.

Will I be able to see other children without feeling jealous?
They tell me it will come.

Wil I ever stop asking "Why?"
They tell me you may not.

Will the feelings of depression get better?
They tell me it takes time.

Will life ever be the same again?
They tell me it won't.

Is there life after death?
They tell me there is.

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