Thursday, March 7, 2013

Friday's Faith - Faith in the Reunion on the Far Side ~Tommy Prince

Safe in God's Keeping

I am Home in Heaven, dear
ones. Oh! so happy and so bright,
There is perfect joy and beauty 
In this Everlasting Light.
All the pain and grief are over,
Every restless yearning past;
I am now at peace forever,
Safely Home in Heaven at last.
Dear ones, do not grieve so
sorely. For I love you dearly
still; Try to look beyond earth's 
shadows. Pray to trust Our
Father's Will.
When your work is all completed
He will gently call you Home.
Oh! the rapture of that meeting! 
Oh! the joy to see you come!

Friday's Faith

Faith in the Reunion on the Far Side

~Tommy Prince

Today, I found out my uncle died. I began to think, he's up there with his daughter, his sister (my mother), his brother, his mother, and his dad. I began to realize the reunion on the Other Side gets larger as time goes on than the family reunions here… My grandparents on both sides, both of my parents, several uncles from both sides, and a cousin have gone on now.

I am looking forward to that reunion with family, but as a father who's lost his baby, nothing compares to the longing for that reunion I'll have with my "baby girl," Merry Katherine. 

I am so thankful for the faith and hope that there will be such a Great Reunion on the Far Side some bright day...

Picture, thanks to ~Journey of the Survivor

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