Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday's Faith - Grief's Well, Death's Hell, Overcome…

Friday's Faith

Grief's Well, Death's Hell, Overcome…

We have been thrown into a new land…
A land of tears, a land of pain; we weep.
Its boundaries, across the wide world span
While, it seems, the rest of the world may sleep.

Picture, thanks to ~From Grief to Greatness

When our child has died, it seems we die too
While others live on a shallower plane,
Our hearts spiral into the depths of blue,
While they despair: "Why won't your deep grief wane?!"

Picture, thanks to ~Journey of the Survivor (From Grief to Survival)

Yes, our hearts seem to plummet hell's depths:
The horror, the anguish, the depths of sorrow, and yet…
These fires are cleansing somehow, making clear
What is important in life, and drawing our child near…

Picture, thanks to ~

As our God delivered His Son from the pit of hell,
So too, He can deliver us from the heart of Grief's well,
Drawing us to His heart, as only He knows this deepest sorrow,
He is the One who brings Light, giving us Hope for the morrow.

Picture, thanks to ~Grieving Mother Pat Dattoli Wentworth

~ Poem - Grief's Well, Death's Hell, Overcome… - Angie Bennett Prince - February 26, 2013

Title Picture, thanks to ~Grief the Unspoken

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