Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday's Trust - "Trust" When Stuck In the Rubble of Our Never-Ending Grief?

Tuesday's Trust

"Trust" When Stuck In the Rubble of Our Never-Ending Grief?

"trust: placing reliance on... something else over which one has little control"

Feeling defeated, I am so tired:
Days full of Grief, nights of nightmares;
It seems in my Grief I am daily mired,
Tried by the constancy of Grief's wear and tear.

How will I keep my head above water,
How will I step up to my daily chores,
When Grief disables and I teeter and totter
As I strive to navigate Death's tumultuous shores?

How do I walk through this "Invisible Disability"
When "normalcy" is all that outwardly appears?
How do I achieve inner tranquility 
When triggered steadily only to dissolve into tears?

Such is the life of a grieving mother,
So much work is required inside...
Learning to breathe even as Grief tries to smother,
Striving to rest, and in my Savior abide.

God, in the Darkness, please show your Light,
Reveal your Hope in the midst of Despair;
Grief renders up such a difficult fight
As even our lungs strive to grasp for air.

Enter the catacombs of our Deep Grief,
Providing us sustenance amidst our heart's wounds;
Bring us Your Comfort for blessed relief
As we pull ourselves up from our children's dark tombs...

"Thou wilt keep her in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee":
Give us the strength to turn our hearts to Thee
When stuck in this rubble of our never-ending Grief.


"Thou wilt keep her in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee: because she trusteth in Thee."

~Isaiah 26:3 KJV

(some capitalizations, and gender substitution, mine)

Picture, thanks to ~2012: Love and Loss
Poem - "Trust" When Stuck In the Rubble of Our Never-Ending Grief? - Angie Bennett Prince - 4/23/2013
KJV = King James Version of The Holy Bible

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