Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday's Woe - Give Us This Day Our Daily Dread? ~Tommy Prince

Wednesday's Woe

Give Us This Day Our Daily Dread?

~Tommy Prince

Merry Katherine's Birthday. Easter. Our Anniversary. My Mother's Death Day… All of these events hit, terribly close together, and we all have had a particularly bad time. There has been no reprieve from one thing to the next. You think you're in the clear for awhile. You're looking for a break, and then you realize that right around the corner is Mother's Day, and then it's Father's Day.

We tend to cope by saying, 

"If I can just get through this, I'll be okay." 

Then we realize there's another tumultuous event just a few weeks away.

Instead of looking forward to celebrating a special occasion, it's looked upon now with a sense of dread… More events, more holidays we can barely tolerate. And this, on top of our already horrendous daily grief…

It's like there's no real break between these seasons, so we find ourselves living amidst an interminable sense of dread...

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