Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wednesday's Woe - Shattered Beliefs...

Wednesday's Woe

Shattered Beliefs...

…….My daughter was killed…

But He wouldn't do that to me.

…….She was killed violently.

But He wouldn't do that to her.

…….God sees all.

Did He see her then?

…….God knows all.

Did He know that was coming?

…….God is everywhere.

Was He with her that night?

…….God is love.

Does love ever kill?

…….God is a Shepherd.

Does a Shepherd watch while a lamb is killed?

…….God is a Refuge.

Could she find safety that night?

…….God is Ever-Present Help in times of trouble.

Did He help her that night?

…….God came to give life.

Did He give life that night?

…….God is our Rescue.

Did He rescue her that night?

…….God is merciful.

Did He have mercy on her that night?

…….God is all-powerful.

Did He overpower Satan that night?

…….She is His child!

My kingdom is not of this world.

…….She is with Him!

My view is much bigger than yours.

…….He saved her!

This world is not all there is.

…….God is peace.

Your little lamb, My little lamb, is at peace.

…….God is love.

Picture, thanks to ~Out of the Ashes

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