Sunday, June 19, 2016

Blessed Father's Day - Honoring Fathers Grieving Loss of Child - Part Two

Blessed Father's Day

Honoring Father's Grieving Loss of Child

Part Two


There are things that we don't want to happen
but have to accept,
Things we don't want to know,
but have to learn,
And people we can't live without
but have to let go….


Nobody knows the real me. Nobody
knows how many times I've cried in 
my room when nobody was watching.
Nobody knows how many times I've
lost hope, how many times I've been
let down. Nobody knows how many 
times I've felt like I'm about to snap,
but I just don't, for the sake of others.
Nobody knows the thoughts that go
through my head when I'm sad, how
horrible they truly are.
Nobody. Knows.  Me.


"When will this pain be over?
When is it going to shift?" I asked
a friend. He said, "Its just going 
to take time and distance." ... I
realized there are no corners.
Grief isn't linear. It expands in 
all directions.
So does my compassion,
my love and my meaning

~Quote: Benjamin Allen
~Grief and Healing in The Afterloss


The future is
missing. I am
missing a future.
I had plans.
I had dreams.
I had hopes.
Where did
everything go?
Where did I go?

~Quote: Benjamin Allen
~Grief and Healing in The Afterloss


I entered the Afterloss
broken and shattered. It's 
like I had this big bag of 
fragments I once called
life and dumped them in
the middle of this new
world and said, "Here. This
is all I've got left. What
can I do with this?

~Quote: Benjamin Allen
~Grief and Healing in The Afterloss



includes knowing
you can't be
strong all the time


Grief isn't linear.
My living in sorrow isn't a progression
of getting better and better.
It's getting deeper and deeper.
The deeper I go the more it looks like on
the surface as doing nothing.
I have become grateful on those days I
simply can't do those surface things.
It tells me I'm doing the deeper dance 
of healing the hurt.

~Quote: Benjamin Allen
~Grief and Healing in The Afterloss


is the last act
of love we can
give to those we 
Where there is
deep grief.
there was great love.

~Quote: Queen Elizabeth II
~Graphic: Wind Horse Sanctuary


Image result for tears are the silent language of grief

Not without hope we suffer and we mourn.

~Graphic Quote: William Wordsworth
~Graphic: BrainyQuote


Nothing will ever be the
same. Your life has been
forever changed.

Grief is uncovering what
that change is and where
loss is leading you.

~Quote: Benjamin Allen
~Grief and Healing in The Afterloss


Tears are the silent
language of grief.  

~Quote: Voltaire

~Graphic: FB/LifesNextChapterCoaching 


You never get over Grief...

You learn to dance with a limp

~facebook: Grieving Mothers


The only cure
for grief is to


~Quote: Earl A. Grollman
~Graphic: Grieving Mothers


You will lose someone you can’t live without, 
and your heart will be badly broken, 
and the bad news is that you never completely 
get over the loss of your beloved. 
But this is also the good news. 
They live forever in your broken heart that doesn’t seal back up. 
And you come through. 
It’s like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly - 
that still hurts when the weather gets cold, 
but you learn to dance with the limp.

~Quote: Anne Lamott


Do Not Judge

"You don't know what storm I've asked him to walk through."



Some days I am distracted
Consumed by grief

You can help by being

The fog will lift
I will become more focused
But will be forever changed


Sometimes, it feels better
not to talk. At all.
About anything.
To anyone.

~Quote: Grieving Fathers


There is no despair so absolute
as that which comes
with our first great sorrow.
Before we know what it is 
to have loved and lost,
to despair
and have recovered hope.

~Quote: George Elliot


Please be patient
with me. Sometimes
when I'm quiet, 
it's because I 
need to figure 
myself out. It's
not because I
don't want to 
talk. Sometimes
there are no words 
for my thoughts.

~Kamla Bolanos


Every man
has his secret sorrows
which the world
knows not; and often
times we call
a man cold when
he is only sad.

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

~Grieving Fathers


Before you judge my life,
my past or my character...
Walk in my shoes, walk the
path I have traveled,
Live my sorrow, my doubts,
my fear, my pain and my

Everyone has a story.
When you've lived
my life then you can
judge me.

~Quote: Grieving Fathers


Without you I am...A Heart without Its Beat... Click here --> - Mother Grieving Loss of Child - Saturday's Sayings - A Heart Without Its Beat...:

Just Because
My Eyes Don't Tear
Doesn't Mean
My Heart Doesn't Cry.
And Just Because
I Come Off Strong,
Doesn't Mean
There's Nothing Wrong.

~Grieving Fathers


is NOT a medical
condition that can
be cured.

It is a NATURAL Part of life.

It is a life
experience that
cannot be rushed.

~Quote: Rabbi Earl Grollman


There is no right way to grieve.
But there is one wrong way:
trying not to grieve.
Never give in to pressure
to hide or shame your pain.
Your loss belongs to you.

~Quote: Tim Lawrence



Don't tell me to get over it
Don't tell me to be strong
Don't tell me time's a healer
Don't tell me to move on
I need my time to grieve
I need my time alone
No one else can rush me
I need to do this on my own
Yes it may take a while
Yes it may take years
Yes I may shout and scream
And cry so many tears
But only when I am ready
Not because you tell me so
For when the time is right
I will be the one to know

~by John F. Connor


No person has the right to
condemn you on how you 
repair your heart or how
long you choose to grieve,
because no one knows how 
much you're hurting.
Recovering takes time, and
everyone heals at his or her
own pace.

~Quote: Benjamin Allen
~Grief and Healing in The Afterloss


I'm not wallowing in grief.
I'm courageously living my truth.
I am a bereaved parent
and this grief is part of my life now.
Now how about if you stop wallowing
in judgement and assumptions?

~Quote: Benjamin Allen
~Grief and Healing in The Afterloss


I'm in a crowded room,
but yet I feel so alone,
I am an angel daddy,
but yet I feel so unknown,
we lost our child, 
yes mum & dad,
but yet it's me who's strong,
when mummy is sad,
I am broken inside,
outside is a shell,
it feels like no-one can hear me,
no mater how loud I yell, 
I'm not angry,
I am just sad,
please don't forget me,
for I'm an angel Dad.

~Grieving Fathers


"There's no way around grief and loss; 
you can dodge all you want, 
but sooner or later you just have to go into it, 
through it, 
and hopefully, come out the other side. 

The world you find there will never be 
the same as the world you left." 

~Quote: Johnny Cash


"I can't be strong today
Tomorrow will be a different day...
I'll be strong tomorrow, but today I'm 
just going to be sad."

~Quote: Trevor White


Losing a child changes us.
Not just for the first few days,
or weeks
or months.

Losing a child changes us,
not just for the first year,
but for life.

~Grieving Fathers


"Only people who are capable of loving strongly 
can also suffer great sorrow…." 

~Leo Tolstoy


Sometimes I don't know
if the tears I cry
are for you,
or for myself

because I must now 
live without you.

Two things I do know...
I love you,
and I miss you so much
my heart hurts.

~Grieving Fathers


"Without you in
my arms, I feel an
emptiness in my
soul. I find myself
searching the
crowds for your
face --- I know it's
an impossibility,
but I cannot help 

~Nicolas Sparks


The mention of my child's name may bring tears to my eyes, 
but it never fails to bring music to my ears. 
If you are really my friend, 
let me hear the beautiful music of his name. 
It soothes my broken heart and sings to my soul.

~ Author Unknown


Grief is like the ocean; it comes on, waves
ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is 
calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming.
All we can do is learn to swim."

~Quote: Vicki Harrison


"There were times when I
would go through massive
waves of grief... I just
had to ride it out. When
they subsided it led to an 
expansion of heart, a deeper 
way of relating to life and
those I love."

~Quote: Benjamin Allen
~Grief and Healing in The Afterloss


Comes in WAVES

TONIGHT ...  I'm



I just miss you.

(a lot)

~Quote: Benjamin Allen 
~Grief and Healing in The Afterloss


"Grief is not just a series of
events, stages, or timelines.
Our society places enormous
pressure on us to get over
loss, to get through grief.
But how long do you grieve
for a husband of fifty years,
a teenager killed in a car
accident, a four-year-old
child: a year? Five years?

"The loss happens in time, in
fact in a moment, but its 
aftermath lasts a lifetime."

~Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


When people ask how your life is going...

~Grieving Fathers


Dear Lord,
Please wrap Your arms around
those who are hurting today,
and let then feel how much 
You love them. Amen.

{Please note: Substitutions in graphics were made several times in this edited version due to missing pictures. I am sorry for any inconvenience to anyone concerned. The original posts can be accessed below my signature. Thank you for understanding. ~Angie}

May God bless you,


~The Far Side of the Rainbow (photo and poem)

~The Far Side of the Rainbow (photo)

~The Far Side of the Rainbow (quote)

~Grieving Fathers

~Grieving Fathers

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~Grief Diaries

~Grieving Fathers

~Grieving Fathers

~Grieving Fathers

~Grieving Fathers

~Grieving Fathers

~Grieving Fathers

~Grieving Fathers

~Grieving Fathers

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~Grieving Fathers

~Grieving Fathers

~The Far Side of the Rainbow

~Grieving Fathers

~Grieving Fathers

~The Far Side of the Rainbow

~Grieving Fathers

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~The Far Side of the Rainbow

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~Grieving Fathers

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~Grief and Healing in the Afterloss

~Grieving Fathers

~Grieving Fathers

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