Saturday, August 2, 2014

8 Years Ago Today... Your "Heaven Day" ~ A Poem to Merry Katherine on Her 8th Year in Heaven ~ "Your Living, Loving Smile"

8 Years Ago Today...

Your "Heaven Day"

A Poem to my Baby Girl in Heaven

Today, a precious Treasured Sister-of-the-Heart sent me this enlarged picture of Merry Katherine and her beautiful smile which inspired the following poem to my baby girl about our hearts after eight years of missing her. 

Thank you to Melody Robinson Hill {{{Adam}}} for your loving "Heaven Day" gift to me; I treasure your faithful friendship and your loving heart toward this fellow grieving mother!

Your Living, Loving Smile

Eight years ago, you went from our home to His,
from our hands to His,
but what I am thankful for is this:
Though you left our home, you never left our heart:
You're here to stay, from now through all eternity,
for Love never ends!
Come what may, it flows and it bends
though the trails become weary
and the strength becomes weak,
the eyes remain teary
and our Lord we continuously seek,
the Love remains;
it is God's gift...

The heart is strained,
but Love gives it a lift,
For Love is of God
and thus Love is eternal;
Though through Grief we still trod
(God knows its depths are infernal),
our hearts are alight
when we "see" your sweet smile,
for despite our dire plight
you still walk with us each mile:
In the depths of my tears,
you sense my deep pain;
then you simply "appear"
and my pain quickly wanes,
for I know you are There
(which quells my despair)
and I sense your new peace
which quashes my pain~
I sense the release
in your soul from all strain!
Thank you for coming
each time Mommy's so sad;
it's hard to endure
when I'm feeling so bad.

But your love is sure
to bring Mommy back
from the agony of loss
to the ecstasy that you're back (!)
walking hand in hand with me
in the face of grief's attack,
ever reminding me 
you are now in a Place
that is ever full of sweet peace
as daily, our Lord, you see face to face,
enjoying constant companionship
as there's no distance There,
but an intimate relationship
like living in prayer,
where no want or need
ever crosses your mind
for His love intercedes,
and His perspective you find.

I long to be There,
but I'll walk this road,
carrying my cross
bearing Grief's load,
for I know my Lord
will walk with me here,
fighting Grief's taunts with His fiery sword,
and through each of my meltdowns,
He'll lovingly meet me, to wipe every tear,
Soothing my heart, removing each frown,
for I know He has His work He wants me to do,
and He'll provide His strength
that will surely get me through.

And then one sweet Day,
He'll bring me Home too
when I'll hear my Lord tenderly say,
"Your baby's Here waiting for you!"
Until then, thank you sweet baby
for walking with me
and smiling so radiantly
until finally that Day when together we'll be!

Mommy loves you,
Daddy does too,
Rollin and Nathan are missing you too.
(What a wonderful reunion we will enjoy
when God opens up Heaven and restores all our Joy!)

Meanwhile God's love, and our love for each other will see us through,
While loving other parents whose angels are There today, playing with you, 
awaiting their Great Reunion with their loved ones too!

So up through the Heavens I'm blowing this kiss,
reminding you till Then, your presence we'll miss.

Thank you again for walking with me through each mile,
Loving your mommy by revealing your living, loving smile!

Poem - Your Living, Loving Smile - Angie Bennett Prince - August 2, 2014

Jesus said to her, 
"I am the resurrection and the life. 
He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; 
and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die."

John 11:25-26

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