Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday's Woe - 8th Year "Angelversary" of Merry Katherine Commemorated or "Uncle Nary"

Wednesday's Woe

8th Year "Angelversary" 


Merry Katherine 



"Uncle Nary"

8/2: It was her death date
What could I say?
Words alone could not relate…

But then through my son I got the word…
My only grandchild's
words were heard…

Her mother, on the phone,
The child, my 3-year-old grandchild's
Words would atone…

Emulating her mommy, she too spoke
On her imaginary phone
to "Uncle Nary" (our grief she'd stoke... )

She told her mother, she had talked
to "Uncle Nary,"
But her mother balked…

"Who is that?!" she quickly said;
The child pointed to a picture
of Aunt Merry, 8 years now dead…

The aunt she'd never actually met
She had "talked" to...
Accompli fete *

Merry Katherine's daddy, today, to this poem aptly replied…

"2/8, the day I was born,
8/2, the day that I died…"

Yes, my child, though our hearts still moan 
As you are 8 years away from us, the heart of our Heaven-sent 3-year-old grandchild
Sends a sweet reminder to us ~that your spirit indeed 
.....does live on...

May God our great Comforter, and your great Rescuer, grant us the strength to 
.....continue on…
It gives my heart much sweet peace to know that you are safely There,
And our God, as ever, still upon His Throne!

*" accompli, fête " - poetic-licensed version of French phrase, 
"fête accompli"  loosely translated: 
"Feat accomplished," 
"Commemoration perfectly accomplished"!

Poem ~ 8th Year "Angelversary" of Merry Katherine Commemorated, or "Uncle Nary" ~ Angie Bennett Prince - 9/2014

Drawing Artwork: 

'peace'  ~Loui Jover 

via ~Saatchi Online, found on Pinterest:


In writing my poem...
Before writing this 3-line stanza poem about my child, I was inspired as I read that Edward Hirsch, one of my favorite modern poets, in writing about the loss of his 22-year-old son Gabriel in 2011, 

"(h)e found an organizing principle in the model of three-line stanzas. He liked that each stanza had a beginning, a middle, and an end. Usually, the three-line stanza is 'a dialect of the underworld,' Eavan Boland pointed out to me. 'A signal that the poem is about grief.' This is mainly because it invokes terza rima, the three-line rhyming scheme of the 'Divine Comedy.' Dante’s lines rhyme aba, bcb, cdc, and so on, but Hirsch’s lines are unrhymed."

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