Friday's Faith
A Day in the Life of Grief
Whoever said,
"God's in His Heaven; all's right with the world"?
I'm depressed today... I don't know why.
The day is pretty, no cloud in the sky.
Toad frog squats patiently, so still on th' rail.
Gnatcatchers zoom by; how quickly they sail.
Flowers are blooming... Racoon's in the yard!
I am still breathing... Why is grief so hard?
My dog is playful. My husband is sweet.
Tearing up, I feel lost and incomplete.
"God's in His Heaven. All's right with the world?"
If this is so, where is my baby girl?
...She smiles and says, "I'm right here, Mommy!"
My tears fall. I get a hug from Tommy.
I hug him back. I smile at her, wipe tears...
Again God's soothing faithfully appears.
When my depression begins to shift...
I feel God's comfort, and my sadness lift.
Such is a day in the life of grief:
You think you will die. Then God sends relief.
God, bless all mommies and daddies in our grief!
Now Tommy calls out, "The hawk chased the dove!"
Life...then death... Nature plays it out above...
Paradox of Nature: Death mixed in with Life...
till God returns from Heaven, t' end all darkness rife
when He commands:
"Death, be destroyed by Life!"
(Now th' raccoon eats from our dog's feeder:
Th' raccoon posing as a dog, what a sight!
Th' brazenness of nature...in broad daylight!)
"Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name, you are Mine. You are precious in My eyes, because you are honored and I love you . . . the mountains may depart, the hills be shaken, but My love for you will never leave you and My covenant of peace with you will never be shaken" (Isaiah 43:1,4; 54:10).
~Brennan Manning, Abba's Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging