Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday's Woe - Grief Changes You

Wednesday's Woe

Grief Changes You

My heart is torn; it’s ripped into—

I have a duty to warn: Who am I? I don’t know who!

Ripped by love’s thorn, there’s nothing I can do.

Since my baby was born, I had a job to do;

From that job shorn, there’s no more I can do

But be forlorn for my baby girl who

I miss and mourn and my helplessness rue.

I’m weak and worn; mourning’s all I can do,

So be forewarned: this is a mother’s coup—

My heart is torn; leaning on God for healing is my sole purview.

I have a duty to warn: I’m different now and becoming someone new;

Truth unadorned: Grief changes you.

Poem - Grief Changes You - Angie Bennett Prince - 9/16/08


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