Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday’s Woe - Nightmare - Stuck in Time

Wednesday’s Woe

Nightmare - Stuck in Time

What PTSD Looks Like...

I haven't been the same since I dreamed a couple of days ago - that I was with Merry Katherine in a swing - Merry Katherine was a toddler. But the swing was a type of child-like car. There were other toddlers in the room with us. They were in their own cars. I was driving Merry Katherine, and we were following her friends from room to room at a pretty fast speed. She said, "Can't we go faster?" and grabbed the control (like a Playstation-type conrol). She pushed the buttons, and we began to go really fast; it felt like flying to me, so I said, "No baby, we can't do this..." and then I awakened...

Once again, I felt out-of-control, like I had been pushed too far at her insistence and it was gonna be to her demise - I can 't seem to break out of this nightmare - She, helpless, and thinking like a child, I her mommy, the adult in the position supposed to help her, yet I was helpless to stop her... and it all led to her demise...

Much of my life seemed to be about handling that balance, allowing enough of a challenge for her, but not so much that it could put her in danger...yet she would always push the limits...and ultimately did so, to her sure demise...

Nightmare - Stuck in Time

My baby girl, so sweet to me,

19 years, had her with me.

Now, she has gone to Heaven...

But I? I'm stuck in a nightmare,

So my life's stuck in time...

Stuck in a nightmare

God, I can't get out -

My baby's in danger

I cant get her out...

When can I stop this Merry-go-round

That threw my poor baby down to the ground?

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall...

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

And now I can't throw a pillow down,

I can't break her fall down to the ground…

And with all the king's horses and with all the king's men

...We still can't put my baby back together again...

Jack and Jill ran up the hill to fetch a pail of water...

Jack fell down and broke his crown, and

Jill came tumbling after...

Stuck in a nursery rhyme

Stuck in time

My baby's not here with me

My life's stuck in time...

Stuck in a nightmare

God, I can't get out -

My baby's in danger

And I cant get her out...

Stuck in a nursery rhyme

When can I stop this Merry-go-round?

That threw my poor baby down to the ground?

My baby fell down and broke her crown,

And now I can't throw a pillow down,

To break her fall down to the ground...

And I can't put her back together again...

And I can't bring her back home to me again...

So I'm stuck in an endless nursery rhyme

That ends in senseless tragedy...

(What were those nursery rhymes telling me

when I was only 2 or 3,

sitting upon my Mother's knee?)

Nursery rhymes warn of life's senseless tragedy?

Stuck in a nightmare

God, I can't get out -

My baby's in danger

I cant get her out...

When can I stop this Merry-go-round

That threw my poor baby down to the ground?

I can't stop her fall.

I can't break her fall.

I can't stop this senseless tragedy,

But this was my baby who sat on my knee...

And now my baby's not here with me,

But my body's on alert, cannot forget.

Stuck in a panic, stuck in a sweat...

My baby's in danger

I must get her out...

Stuck in a senseless nursery rhyme,

So my life's stuck in time...

Stuck in a nightmare

God, I can't get out -

My baby's in danger

I cant get her out...

When can I stop this Merry-go-round

That threw my poor baby girl down to the ground?

Now, she has gone to Heaven,

But I?

I'm stuck in a nightmare,

So my life's stuck in time...

{How can so much of God's truth

be stuck in a nursery rhyme?}

Stuck in a nursery rhyme

Stuck in time

My baby's not here with me

My life's stuck in time...

Now, she has gone to Heaven,

But I?

I'm stuck in a nightmare,

So my life's stuck in time...

Picture: Eye with Clock Implanted -

Poem - Nightmare- Stuck in Time - Angie Bennett Prince - 3/9/10


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