Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday's Faith- My Psalm: On My Knees

Friday's Faith

My Psalm:

On My Knees

On my knees before You Lord, I am weak.

I feel Your presence with me, and I cry,

As You draw near me and bid my heart speak,

For You long to hear me -- I don't know why.

But when to my heart, You hear and attend,
I catch a glimpse of what I mean to You,

And with that glimpse, my heart begins to mend

______As You show a glimpse of Your Heavenly view...

I see on that hill what Jesus did for me...

I see Him carry my baby safely Home...

There's nothing more important to me
Than from Your side, Your lamb did not too-far roam!

Seeing Your heart of love poured out for me,
I pour my heart's burdens all out to Thee...

Though I don't understand all of Your ways,
I see Your heart's love and pour out my praise.

May my life be a reflection of You

That others may see Your heart's love for them too.


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