Friday, July 22, 2011

Saturday's Sayings - Beautiful Hearts of Grievers


Saturday's Sayings

Beautiful Hearts of Grievers

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.

~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


I am Grateful to have so many emotional pallbearers in my life, and Thankful they each help me carry the grief. It truly does take a village to raise a child and a village to mourn one too, or the grief would be unbearable.

~Kimberly Burns Pierson



We rise every morn from our nice, comfy beds
And take a warm shower to clear up our heads;
Then eat a good breakfast of foods we like best,
So we will be ready to face each new test.
We jump in our cars, and we turn on the keys,
Expecting our trip to be taken with ease,
And when things go well as they do every day,
We take them for granted, and don’t stop to pray
And thank the dear Lord for His love and His care,
And for His protection when we weren’t aware.

But let things go wrong as we go through our day,
Then the first thing we do is to blame God, and say
That we can’t understand why He’s treated us so,
And the reason for trials we struggle to know.
If we could be thankful for both good and bad,
And still trust the Lord, even though we are sad,
The trials of life that were not understood,
We’d know God was working together for good.
So let us resolve as we start each new day,
To praise God no matter what life sends our way.

By Betty Jo Mings



1 How long, O Lord, will you leave me to suffer this way? How long must I endure the pain of such loss, the endless torrent of tears, the guttural wails that threaten to overtake my soul?

2 She was but a child, ripped needlessly out of my life, without a chance to say good-bye, never to grow old.

3 I cry out to You, Lord, for an explanation, but only hear silence in return. Why do You forsake me? Where can I find refuge, but in You?

4 Oh, how I so desperately long to hold her in my arms again, to touch her sweet face, to hear her voice call out to me, to see her smile and know that I am loved.

5 She was a light in my life, her own life filled with so much hope and promise, a flame of growing intensity, surely doused too soon by death!

6 Now I live in darkness, wandering aimlessly about, fearing what You will take from me next.

7 All those who promised to stand beside me have departed. I am left alone, haunted by memories too painful to remember, but too painful to forget.

8 The depth of my grief is bottomless; endless is my sorrow. I cannot escape, yet I must remain.

9 Hence, I wait for You, O Lord, for the fulfillment of your Promise, to a place where there are no tears, and my torment will be no more.

10 To a place where I will once again be whole; where my beloved will no longer slumber, but be there to greet me.

Thanks be to You, LORD, my Saviour!

~Debbie Hering, November 15, 1996


"We are changed now, not because they have left us, but because they touched us..."

~Author unknown, contributed by Laurie White

Picture, thanks to Cathy Lawery
Thank you to my beautiful grieving friends from my Facebook grief groups for their contributions to this blog post


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