Friday's Faith
When there's a Mess…

All graphics, thanks to ~M For the Survivors on ~pinterest
Welcome! I am Angie B. Prince, child of God, wife of Tommy, mother of 3, Grief and Trauma Life Coach, Psychotherapist, and Mother Grieving. On 8/2/2006, our precious 19-yr-old daughter Merry Katherine was killed along w/ 2 other teens via vehicular manslaughter. Here I share as we agonizingly process our grief and trauma. Email: MotherGrieving(at)gmail(dot)com. Coaching (Tommy or Angie): Call 865-548-4four3four / Counseling (Angie in TN) 865-604-9nine9two. I pray God will minister to you here.
Blessed Christmas! Spending Christmas without Merry There are no halls decked with holly There are no peop...
He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart.
Isaiah 40:11b
Yes. Yes. Yes. So very fitting and true. Hugs.
Just discovered your blog yesterday. I am really enjoying your posts. My husband and I lost our youngest son just over a year ago. He was 20. I love the song "Sovereign Over Us"
by Aaron Keyes. Thank you for sharing it! I posted it on my blog, too. We purchased Randy Alcorn's DVD series on Heaven recently and just watched session 3 the other day. I took down the same notes as you about the martyred saints. That verse/session really ministered to me, although it was a little difficult not to start trying to help God bring my son's murderer to justice. God is good. God is sovereign. It's all in His hands. :)
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