Wednesday's Woe
The Little Engine that Couldn't...
~Tommy Prince
You've heard of the little engine that could; now we've become the little engine that couldn't. Instead of being like the little engine that could, as bereaved parents, we rather feel like a complete train wreck! In the child's storybook, the message to children is, the little engine thought he couldn't, but when he learned to say, "I think I can; I think I can," he gained the courage to push through and overcome his weakness.
But as one father on a forensics show said tonight,
"My daughter was killed instantly, but ever since, I have been dying a slow death."
In the bereaved and traumatized state that we find ourselves in, the brain fools us: we think we can go to a party, or we think we can go to a celebration of some kind, as if we are saying "I think I can, I think I can…" But many times we haven't been able to pull it off. And so, we just have to face our "new reality" that our internal train wreck is still in shambles… So now we are back to saying, "I thought I could, I thought I could…!"

Images, thanks to and Google Images
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