Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday's Faith - Bible Emergency Numbers

Friday's Faith

Bible Emergency Numbers

Many people write me asking for Bible verses to help them in their grief. Someone recently shared this list of verses that help them in a number of situations; I wanted to pass it along to you. One correction I might make, in the theme, "For idea of Christianity, call..." the poster states "1 Corinthians 5:15-19," but the actual scripture to which they refer is found in "2 Corinthians 5:15-19."

A word of warning: Because of what each of us has been through in losing our child, we each may be triggered in different ways according to our circumstances by certain scriptures that may seem to fall in line with some of the shattered assumptions we once easily held but are shaky on in the present. We are all a work in progress still working through our beliefs and assumptions in light of the severe loss and trauma we have endured. As we have stated many times, it is like we are having to completely rework the fabric of the very foundation of our being in many aspects of our lives; the spiritual is no exception. We must always hold our assumptions and beliefs up to the light of God's truth and revelation as we ask and cry out and sometimes even argue out our confusion with Him. Many outsiders do not understand the grueling work that such struggles require as we are grappling with the severest hurts that are closest and dearest to our broken hearts.

Remember, God's Word is living and active ~ May He minister to you as you read His Word.

May God's Word bless you all.

Poster, thanks to ~Godly Woman Daily's Photos


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