Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wednesday's Woe - Mother's Day and Father's Day Are Over ~ The Storms Are Just Ahead

Wednesday's Woe

Mother's Day and Father's Day Are Over ~

The Storms Are Just Ahead

Mother's Day and Father's Day are over;
We survived them one by one...
So why are my tears flooding,
Missing you so, my precious one?
Mother's Day and Father's Day are over...
It seems the storms are just ahead.

I just cannot get over
I'll not see you again on this earth ~
Your presence is so absent,
Leaving behind such a horribly vast dearth:
You always were so full of life,
Your presence filled us with such immensity
Such that now that you are gone,
Your loss fills its void with grief's starkest intensity.

How am I to fill it, this void that knows no end?
Your life had such a presence,
Its absence, my heart does harshly rend...
Perhaps the presence of family, surrounding us so dear,
Reminds us of the precious one whose absence leaves us drear...

Is it any wonder we begin to hate the holidays?
The beauty they once held for us, now mocks us in many ways:
The serenity, the love, the joy, now replaced with a mixture of joy and pain,
Despite the sweetest sunshine, our tears pour like stormy rain.

Such is the plight of the child-loss mother
Whose love for one of her lambs goes unrequited,
Leaving a vacuous low atmospheric pressure
Such that a small degree of family sunshine swiftly has ignited
My heart into unwieldy bouts of tempestuous stormy rain.

It seems the pressure builds and builds
Until it overflows the heart's temporary dam
Set up to survive these special days ~
That once they're survived, such pressure becomes a battering ram
To release the heart's pent up floods of pain
Onto this mother's grief-spent world,
The weeks of uncried tears, now unleashed... 
Upon her heart are hurled.

Mother's Day and Father's Day now are over; your mommy has survived ~
But the storms are now upon us; my depths of grief, they have revived.
We miss you precious little one ~ our hearts will never repair;
Each special day without you brings our hearts yet another tear...

Picture, thanks to "In Loving Memory of Johnny S. Clarke's Photos"

Poems - Mother's Day and Father's Day Are Over ~ The Storms Are Just Ahead - Angie Bennett Prince - 6/18/2012


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