Thursday, September 29, 2011

Friday's Faith - God does not fill the gap . . .

Dietrich Bonhoeffer before his death in the

Flossenbürg concentration camp in 1945

Friday's Faith

God does not fill the gap . . .

Nothing can make up for the absence

of someone we love. . . . It is nonsense

to say that God fills the gap; God

doesn't fill it but on the contrary, God

keeps it empty and so helps us keep

alive our former communion with

each other, even at the cost of pain. . . .

The dearer and richer our memories,

the more difficult the separation. But

gratitude changes the pangs of memory

into a tranquil joy. The beauties of the

past are borne, not as a thorn in the

flesh, but as a precious gift in themselves.

~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Picture Dietrich Bonhoeffer -


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